DIY Home Security Systems Vancouver

DIY Home Security Systems Vancouver

DIY Protection is able to serve the people of Vancouver and surrounding rual areas as effectively as any other province in Canada.

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DIY Security Anywhere in Vancouver

With summer holidays rapidly approaching, people often think about going away on vacation. It should also be the time that people start thinking about security. The summertime starts a major break in season and home robberies go on the rise. A home security system is the best option to protect your home and to keep you safe. Older security systems tended to be expensive and a hassle to install, but newer technology means that prices in a lot of cases have actually gone down, and the installation is quicker and easier than ever. Here are some important tips:

  • Large dogs cannot stop thieves. Many modern burglars come prepared for dogs, and can subdue them using tricks such as offering treats laced with additives to knock out the pet. Dogs also don’t have hands, and can be stopped simply by locking them in a room. In a real emergency, dog are also incapable of calling the police

  • Self-monitored systems that are not connected to a security company are not very effective. They are entirely dependent on the goodwill of neighbors to inform police if an alarm is triggered in your home. This also means you are hoping that a bad guy is scared off by a short siren, without any confirmation that a dispatch is going to happen. Would you want to go home knowing your alarm has been triggered and not knowing who may be inside?

There are a lot of options for home security, so you need to make the right choice:

  • Choose quality equipment. DIY Protection only uses state of the art alarm equipment

  • Choose a company that provides you with great monitoring. An alarm system is only as strong as its monitoring, and DIY Protection only uses the highest level of alarm system monitoring.

the best in DIY home security.

We offer customizable packages that give you everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

DIY Protection product hero image

Need help? Call our award-winning support team 24/7 at 1 844-898-8349

DIY Protection started over 13 years ago with the simple philosophy of wanting to protect families across Canada. We knew this meant taking a customer focused approach to security, where we listened to your needs to customize the perfect security solution for your family.

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