DIY Home Security Systems in Edmonton
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DIY Security Anywhere in Edmonton
Home security advice from professionals.
Creating a secure perimeter around the house is an essential first step for your home security system in Edmonton. Another important measure for achieving safety in your home includes preventing access to the house. This is most often achieved with the aid of high walls or fences. This tactic has both advantages and disadvantages. It is much easier to sneak in without being noticed by neighbours when you go over a wall or fence. It is a physical barrier, however, which makes it more difficult for someone to break in. At the same time, perimeter protection can give residents a false sense of security, which can cause them to become lax and fail to lock doors or windows. Therefore fences are effective only if they are very difficult to overcome, or if they are paired with surveillance cameras and motion lights around the perimeter.
The first step before installing a strong home alarm system
Make sure all entrances are well lit.
In most cases, a fence does not provide greater security for the home. When burglars get over the fence, they look for the next weak spot of the home, which is typically doors and windows. Thieves would like to do their job where nobody can see them, which means that you need to follow one incredibly important rule: The outside your house should be well lit, especially at potential points of penetration.
A great solution is the lights with motion detector.
A state of the art alarm system with motion detectors and an entrance alarm is absolutely essential for home security.
Secure weak points, or even better, CCTV Security system or doorbell cameras to keep an eye on the perimeter.
Most homes have two or three doors and might have a dozen windows. Thieves will generally check for easily accessible windows and unlocked doors to gain easy entry. Most standard locks on windows are pretty easy to overcome, however, which means windows are a perpetual weak point. Great locks will improve the security of the home, but unfortunately they are not enough. Pay particular attention when buying windows at the ground level, as thieves are less likely and able to break thicker glass.
Installing CCTV and a home security system together with peepholes or a doorbell camera on the doors will help a lot.
A CCTV and security system will:
Monitor entire area around your property
Notify you if you forget to close certain door or window.
Create full perimeter protection to be able to see your property from anywhere in the world
For home security systems in Edmonton, remember other access points to your home.
In most houses exterior doors and windows are not the only place from which an intruder can penetrate into the home. Some thieves enter through the garage. Besides valuable items that can be stolen from there, the door that goes from the garage to the house is often unsecured or not strong enough to stop the thief.
Check also whether skylights, access doors of animals, attics or other openings could provide free access to your home.
Put labels on your valuables
If you highlight the metal part of the belongings in your home that might interest looters, chances are after large-scale police raids, when the police come across a large amount of stolen goods, they can be returned to you.
the best in DIY home security
We offer customizable packages that give you everything you need, and nothing you don’t.