average person losing their keys twice in a Week

The Average Person Loses Their Keys Twice a Week!

We’ve all been there. You’ve finally managed to roll out of bed, throw on some clean clothes, shove a piece of toast in your mouth and are almost ready to rush out the door when whoops. Your keys are missing. While tossing mail around the table and flinging pillows off the couch, you waste precious time of your already-hectic morning searching for the one thing you can’t leave home without.

With the average person losing their keys twice in a single week, it’s a wonder anyone arrives to work on time. Despite the wide array of designated hangers and electronic keychains on the market, it’s an enduring frustration for nearly everyone. In fact, there are numerous websites dedicated to listing the top hiding spots for lost keys. Some are easily predictable, including a car’s ignition, kitchen counter and the bottom of a cluttered purse. Such places are typically the first to be rummaged.

The remaining most-common locations of wayward keys are public places, making them impossible to tear apart on a weekday morning. Store changing rooms, restaurants and other homes are all likely sites for missing items. The trouble is, unlike the umbrellas or gloves you misplace without much concern, your keys are one of your few vital daily possessions.

For the hopelessly absentminded, there’s the old trick of hiding a spare key under a doormat or potted plant. Most adults will remember utilizing this practice regularly throughout their schooldays. Today’s homeowners can upgrade this practice to place keys inside realistic fake rocks or hollow lawn ornaments. While some may consider this a sufficient DIY security system, the practice is a well-known ruse and most key holders are obvious to any observer.

But what’s the alternative? Many are reluctant to part with their keyrings, imagining the alternative as a futuristic Tony Stark-style life with a DIY Jarvis home automation. However, it is possible to find a comfortable middle between Marvel-superhero-with-a-robot-security-system and a hollow ceramic gnome.

If you’re like most adults (and kids), you can’t survive a morning without thumbing through your smartphone. More and more daily tasks such as banking, shopping, and ordering food are seamlessly automated through apps. In fact, newer generations won’t know a time before this convenience. Maybe it’s time to add your keys to that list.

While the idea of a smart door lock may seem more akin to a bank vault, the trend of home automation is growing. For those tired of ransacking their kitchen on a daily basis in a quest to locate their elusive set of keys, it’s an easy and affordable option. Of course, adding any additional home gadget can seem like a lot of hassle. Drilling, workmen and bulky equipment? No thanks! As for the DIY option? Well, maybe you’ve already got a pile of half-finished projects gathering dust in your basement. Luckily a DIY home automation kit doesn’t have to mean Do-It-Yourself-and-Hammer-Your-Fingers. With simple instructions and phone support, even the most novice homeowner can rival a handyman (we can’t do anything about your other DIY projects though. Sorry).

Replacing any simple tool with a DIY automation system can seem intimidating, but the security benefits are worth the consideration. A simple online search yields an alarming array of guides to lock picking with everyday items like hairpins. Although such brazen acts are not everyday occurrences, a digitized lock can be an integral part of your home security system and easily integrate with other automation including smart thermostats. Like traditional locks, they feature deadbolts and can be customized to lock automatically.

Aside from acting simply as a security device, there is also the peace of mind. How many times have you locked your front door and jogged to the car only to quickly return to jiggle the knob just in case? Smart locks, like the Weiser SmartCode line, are wireless and Bluetooth enabled meaning you can quickly unlock your door from the car before staggering through with bags of groceries. There are also multiple codes for family members and guests. The system allows for easy additions and deletions, meaning visitors will only have access to your home as long as you allow. (If any dawdling houseguests complain about their revoked access you can blame it on a technical glitch).

If constantly misplacing your keys is leading to lost time, an angry spouse and a frustrated boss, why not explore DIY home automation? There’s nothing to lose – especially your keys!

Get a DIY Protection Smart Home Security System today! Call us at 1-844-299-3753.

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