Dangers New Years Resolutions

New Year, New You? The Dangers of Your 2019 Resolutions

On the surface, the act of making a set of 2019 goals is positive. What could be wrong with trying to improve your habits? Surprisingly, quite a lot. Though your ideas may be well-intentioned, trying to achieve these resolutions without proper knowledge can be harmful and dangerous. Below are some of the typical pledges made after the clock strikes midnight on December that worst year if performed incorrectly. Know Dangers New Years Resolutions to Your Health:

  1. Reducing sugar intake – Considering the amount of added sweetness in everyday food products, this goal is worthwhile. However, if a cookie craving arises, many opt for packages with “low-calorie” or “sugar-free” labels. While this may seem like the perfect solution, these types of snacks are typically filled with artificial additives and chemicals. If you find yourself daydreaming about a slice of cake, it’s actually best to indulge in moderation rather than swear off all sweets.
  2. Fitness – Regular exercise is a great practice for both health and wellness. Newbies should ensure that they start slowly to avoid the risk of injury and strain. Consulting with a doctor and working with a professional can prevent painful accidents. Don’t forget to schedulable rest days at least once per week – muscles need a break too.
  3. Anything absolute – Rome wasn’t built in a day and you shouldn’t expect any change in that time either. Giving yourself goals that simply must be met daily will surely do more harm than good. Perhaps your aim is to wake up at 6 am to leisurely prepare for the workday. It’s a seemingly innocent aspiration but the trouble is, the first time you inevitably oversleep will result in feelings of failure. Cut yourself some slack if you slide on your new goals, especially at the beginning. Changing a routine can be incredibly difficult.
  4. Getting rid of clutter – Piles of old bills and mail are likely a problem for everyone. Before you toss these stacks of paper into the recycling make sure you shred anything with personal data. Identity theft is on the rise.
  5. Travel – Globetrotting is an opportunity to expand your horizons and experience adventure. However, travel influencers, who post popular photos and blogs, can encourage tourists to post risky pictures to document their travels. Recreation of these awe-inspiring snaps has led to arrests and even death among copycats.
  6. No more carbs – Let’s face it, there are few smells better than freshly baked bread. Yet carbs, in general, seem toxic to fitness gurus and those looking to shed pounds. In actuality, giving up this entire food group is not only ineffective, but it’s also actually unhealthy. Adding portions of whole grains and indulging in the comfort food on occasion makes it more likely you’ll stick to healthy eating in general.
  7. Going gluten-free – There was a time when the word gluten was a complete mystery to most of the planet, rather than a notorious ingredient to avoid at all cost. While those with celiac disease and food sensitivity should avoid gluten, there are no real health benefits to others and you, in fact, could miss out on important vitamins.

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