why choose diy home security system

D I Y = Defend It Yourself

Some people might say you have a choice to go professional or DIY style when selecting a smart security system for your home. What if I told you that you could actually have both Diy home security with all the bells and whistles and exactly the same professional protection as if a certified installer put it in for you. Do I have your attention ?

Great, let’s start with why you should consider a DIY smart home security system from DiyProtection.ca

Most Important is Protection: A home security system aims to protect your property and those inside it from burglary, home intrusion, fire, and even flooding. Professionally monitored security systems do this whether you’re aware of the problem or not, and they can also help in a medical emergency. While a security system currently costs less than a cup of coffee per day, the cost incurred from a burglary averages $2,800 per victim, not to mention the mental impact it can have on you and your family.

A Major Deterrent: Signage of a reputable alarm company, such as stickers, yard signs, and outdoor cameras for video surveillance, have been proven to deter a burglar, whose crime is often based on opportunity. Most burglars plan their break-in no less than 24 hours prior to attempting it. The majority look for signs of an alarm first, and most will move on to another target if they see one.

Peace of Mind: With a home security system, you can achieve some peace of mind knowing that your home is protected whether you’re away or sleeping soundly. With our wireless security solution, it keeps you connected where you can check in on your system from any wherein the world.

Convenience and Fun: DiyProtection home security systems feature home automation capabilities that offer convenience and energy savings, which helps justify the extra cost of a security system. Smart lights, door locks and thermostats can be easily paired with your smart security system with ease. Adjust your thermostat on the fly or automate it to save energy when you are at home or even away. Our smart door lock sand connected garage door openers can give you a secure way to let friends and family into your home also.

Possible Reduced Home Insurance Premiums: Many homeowners insurance companies offer a premium discount of 5% to 20% if you have a professionally monitored security system installed. The higher discounts are usually for systems that include environmental monitoring to detect fire, smoke, and water damage, in addition to intrusion monitoring. While this won’t cover the cost of a professional system, it will help make it more affordable in the long run. Additionally, if you have cameras for video surveillance, video footage can help when it comes to filing insurance claims.

Security System Increase the Value of Your Home

Does A Security System Increase the Value of Your Home?

There is little research to suggest that a basic home security system will increase your property’s value, but installing a smart home security system may. A smart alarm system with a sensor network and the ability to add smart home devices would beattractive to potential buyers, which is why many homebuilders are adding these types of systems as a base feature of new homes in today’s market.

Why Choose DiyProtection.ca Over Another Security Company?

With us you own the equipment outright even though it was provided at no upfront cost. Install it yourself in minutes with the assistance of a certified technician to help and answer any questions along the way.

With DiyProtection you can expect to pay the lowest 24/7 professional monitoring fees in the business with absolutely no hidden fees. This means peace of mind with no surprises, just reliable security for your family. Our combined quality of professional equipment, service and monitoring services are the most important reasons why you should contact DiyProtection today.

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DIY Protection started over 13 years ago with the simple philosophy of wanting to protect families across Canada. We knew this meant taking a customer focused approach to security, where we listened to your needs to customize the perfect security solution for your family.

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